We have lived in North Andover for 8 years now. Ashley is a single mother of two & Rehab Coordinator at Mary Immaculate Nursing Home. Adryane 11 years old, has CP, Hydrocephalus & Epilepsy. He attends the Sargent Elementary in a specialized classroom with the best Sped Teacher ever! Woo hoo! He is the toughest, sweetest boy ever. A true warrior who loves to eat, literally anything! Christian 9 years old attends Kittredge Elementary. He loves & misses robotics, baseball, & art! Being the creative boy he is, he has made the best out of things by staying busy with arts & crafts… and YouTube! 😄 We are continuing to stay positive, strong & full of faith. We know together we as a community will all overcome this. We send our love & prayers to our wonderful community in which we are so grateful to be a part of. Thank you North Andover for all you do!